Friday, September 24, 2010

Poor Magazine/PNN

Poor Magazine/PNN:

PNN is a multi-media access project of POOR Magazine, dedicated to reframing the news, issues and solutions from low and no income communities, as well as providing society with a perspective usually not heard or seen within the mainstream media.

PNN news is generated in the Community Newsroom, and is published each week on Wednesday. If you would like to participate; email

POOR needs your help. subscription/donation
Read how to Save Co-editors Dee and Tiny"

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Houseless Resting - Portland at 3 PM

Resting and Napping
I love to take a nap in the afternoon
Those that are house-less ...."cant just take a nap"
Those with no home "cant rest"
Lets work for solutions together

Monday, September 06, 2010

World Homeless Day Sept 10



The purpose of World Homeless Day is to draw attention to homeless people’s needs locally and provide opportunities for the community to get involved in responding to homelessness, while taking advantage of the stage an ‘international day’ provides.

The Official World Homeless Day website exists to resource local groups to take the concept of World Homeless Day and run with it to benefit homeless people locally in their area.

Note: This is an annual event on the 10th of the 10th every year.